Popular Movies Collection

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Sausage Party (2016)


An animated movie about one sausage's quest to discover the truth about his existence.


I don't know why I'm alive actually, after illegally downloading this film from my Zumba Class I contemplated suicide and mass murder. I actually murdered two digestives and a walkie talkie, if you are contemplating suicide call this help line: 1-800-KYS. Why does this review have to be ten lines anyway, I'm getting bored in my dad's basement for the first time in thirty years. Hah! Take that, just because I've been subject to physical and mental torture for 10 years, 23 hours a day doesn't mean I've lost my sanity. This review is nearly over and I'm sorry to say goodbye so quickly. Love you guys, kill yourselves.

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Movie not available now
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